Vicky Yeo Porcelain Art

Vicky Yeo’s passion for porcelain began when she was introduced to porcelain painting in 2001 and she was immediately captivated by the delicate nature of the material and the intricate details that could be achieved and has been creating beautiful pieces ever since.

Over the years, Vicky has honed her skills through countless hours of practice, experimentation and attended numerous seminars with many international artists and masters, each of whom has inspired her to push the boundaries of her art and explore new techniques.

Vicky's work is characterised by its exquisite attention to detail, with each piece crafted with a meticulousness and precision that is truly awe-inspiring. She draws inspiration from the natural world, incorporating elements of flora and fauna into her designs and using the porcelain medium to create a sense of delicate beauty and fragility.

In 2013, Vicky began teaching porcelain art to others, sharing her knowledge and expertise with students of all levels. Her teaching style is patient, thorough, and encouraging and she takes great pride in helping her students uncover their own unique artistic voice.

Along with her teaching and artistic pursuits, Vicky has also exhibited her porcelain artwork in various exhibitions in Hong Kong.

Her dedication to her craft, her love of teaching, and her unwavering commitment to excellence make her a true enthusiast and master of the art form.

Vicky Yeo is an IPAT certified porcelain artist and teacher.

We are thrilled to announce that we have secured Vicky to work on our upcoming commission art project. We are committed to supporting the arts and are proud to be collaborating with such a talented artist.